Conflict resolution
Turtle : Avoid
Bear: Accommodate
Shark: Compete
Fox: Compromise
Owl: Collaborate
Covey's Time Management Matrix
High Importance, High Urgency: PREVENT
Low Importance, Low Urgency: AVOID
High Importance, Low Urgency: PLAN
Low Importance, High Urgency: MANAGE
Project Management Fundamentals
Solution/Plan Definition: Charter (Goals, Objectives, Team, Stakeholders, Sponsors, Deliverables, Decisions, Risks, Assumptions) & WBS (defines Scope, Schedule/Time, Budget), Resources (allocation/assignment/leveling/balancing), Duration estimates/Dependencies (FS, SS, FF, SF), AON/Critical Path, Gantt Chart
Execute / Perform: Manage, track (variance to baselines, progress status, corrective action), control (PERT/CPM/EVMS), report, review.
Close-out. Document. Lessons Learned.
Triple constraint, iron triangle: Scope, schedule, budget: Quality & Performance
Plan the work, work the plan
If you dont know where you are going, you wont end up where you are going
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail
Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable - Eisenhower
Luck is where opportunity meets preparation
Pickle jar: task prioritization
Task dependencies, conditionalities, contingencies
Resource leveling & load balancing
Resource allocation & reassignment
Change control, risk management
Waterfall v/s Agile / SCRUM project methodology
SMART Goals: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely
Turtle : Avoid
Bear: Accommodate
Shark: Compete
Fox: Compromise
Owl: Collaborate
Covey's Time Management Matrix
High Importance, High Urgency: PREVENT
Low Importance, Low Urgency: AVOID
High Importance, Low Urgency: PLAN
Low Importance, High Urgency: MANAGE
Project Management Fundamentals
Solution/Plan Definition: Charter (Goals, Objectives, Team, Stakeholders, Sponsors, Deliverables, Decisions, Risks, Assumptions) & WBS (defines Scope, Schedule/Time, Budget), Resources (allocation/assignment/leveling/balancing), Duration estimates/Dependencies (FS, SS, FF, SF), AON/Critical Path, Gantt Chart
Execute / Perform: Manage, track (variance to baselines, progress status, corrective action), control (PERT/CPM/EVMS), report, review.
Close-out. Document. Lessons Learned.
Earned Value Management System is a quantitative methodology to
track and control project progress by expressing project status in $ metrics.
Planned Value (PV) = Budgeted cost of work planned/scheduled
Earned Value (EV) = Budgeted cost of work performed
Actual Cost (AC) = Actual expenses of work performed
EV/PV = Schedule Index. EV - PV = Schedule Variance
EV/AC = Cost Index. EV - AC = Cost Variance
Project Management Fundametals
Project Management Fundametals
Triple constraint, iron triangle: Scope, schedule, budget: Quality & Performance
Plan the work, work the plan
If you dont know where you are going, you wont end up where you are going
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail
Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable - Eisenhower
Luck is where opportunity meets preparation
Pickle jar: task prioritization
Task dependencies, conditionalities, contingencies
Resource leveling & load balancing
Resource allocation & reassignment
Change control, risk management
Waterfall v/s Agile / SCRUM project methodology
SMART Goals: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely
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